
Yoga with Tianjin

Yoga with Tianjin

I love the practice of yoga.

I really don’t know where I would be today if it wasn’t such a huge part of my life. I have been practicing yoga since I was a teenager. I went to my very first class with my Mum and have been going regularly ever since. I’ll never forget my first teacher and how I felt each and every time I walked out of that yoga room… always better than when I walked in.

There was something powerful and magical about the practice. A beautiful opportunity to step away from the craziness of life and turn within. To get quiet. To listen. To breathe. To be.

Practice yoga with me

I believe that through particular yoga asana, pranayama, meditation, and establishing a realistic daily routine we can keep our bodies and minds balanced, vital and healthy as we move through the seasons.

Conversations very quickly turn to pregnancy, babies and placenta’s when I am around. It is my dharma to be working with women in this stage of their life. I have experienced the benefits first-hand of the use of yoga, Mizan therapy, castor oil packs and vaginal steaming to support women throughout their journey, in-particular for Pregnancy, Preparing for Birth and for the Postnatal Stage. We have lost so much sacred ceremony, love and care for women at these stages of life yet it is so important to be held, loved and nourished at this time.

I am offering private one-on-one session or you can find me teaching at Modern Movement and online at Modern Movement Online Portal.