
Nutrition with Bianca

Mizan benefits

I am a clinical Nutritionist (Bachelor Health Science, Nutritional Medicine), Mizan Therapist, Placenta Encapsulation Specialist (IPEN) and Herbal Medicine student. I am a Mumma to the cheeky Denali and River, wifey to Nick (Chia) and one half of the sister duo that is Mother Nurtured.

I offer personalised nutrition advice and can also tie this in with a full treatment along with Mizan therapy and a steam. 

About Bianca

I have worked in Nutrition in both the United States and Australia and have run health retreats along side Tianjin in Europe (Ibiza and Portugal). However it wasn’t until I had my Son that I discovered where my true passion lies and with further study I became more knowledgable in the area of women's health (cycles, fertility, pregnancy, post natal care, menopause). I am passionate about women centered care and empowering women to feel the best they can throughout their life cycles. Mizan therapy made me realise the importance of our bodies alignment and environment in ensuring that our womb space is healthy and nourished with lots of good blood flow and prana (energy). This alongside good nutrition, movement, stress management and support can create shifts in how we function. We all have different body types, lifestyles, environments and needs, so nourishing yourself in a way that is specific to you is essential to achieve optimal health. Therefore the best results will come from an individual tailor made plan.

I’ve been lucky to work with many beautiful women on a circular journey in their lives, from their fertility journey, which can be a lonely, challenging time for many women. Pregnancy which is a diverse experience for every woman and every pregnancy, through to the post-natal stage which ironically can also be lonely and challenging. So to be able to be there and support women through these cycles and have a positive impact is a beautiful blessing.

Nutrition with Bianca

Mother Nurtured really came about from our experience to the vulnerability of the post-natal stage and the fourth trimester, being so open to the world at this time and needing support, we wanted to create a space for this. Through healthy grounding food, Mizan therapy, steams and placenta remedies women can be nourished and supported during this most beautiful yet transient/challenging time of their lives. However, along the way we’ve now realised that these therapies are so important for all women throughout all the cycles of their life.

Nutrition Consults

Nutrition Consultation

1 hour
  • Personalised nutrition plan
  • Recipes

Follow Up

1 hour
  • Personalised nutrition plan
  • Recipes

Nutrition Consultation + Full Mizan Therapy

Initial Appointment - 2h30
  • Health and Nutrition assessment
  • Mizan Massage
  • Castor Oil Pack
  • Yoni Steam